Her body as a site for ritual practice
Her body as a container for multiple temporalities
Her body as a carrier of history
Her body as an expansion of capitalist social relations.

We have been creating material from bodily meditations taking place in the library over a durational time. Meditation that deals with fire, earth, water, west and south and meditations that has the power to invoke memory and induce a trance state. These meditations have been taken from Starhawks book The Spiral Dance. Further we have drawn inspirations from the writings of Silvia Federici.

She’s a maniac
gloriously wild
spiralling up up down and around
in in in
out out out
up up up
it’s burning, everything is burning 

they all say she’s crazy

rhythms from the earth
rushing, streaming, flowing 

do you feel it
can you feel it
we are burning
burning and rising
gloriously wild

Concept and Artistic Director: Christine Nypan
Performers and Co-Creators: Alicia Kerrolf, Maria Dybbroe, Christine Nypan
Composition: Maria Dybbroe
Costume Design: Alan Andersen & Annie Josefin Forsberg
Poetry and Illustration: Alicia Kerrolf
Photos: Yanic Cohen



She’s a Maniac